our solution

Crowd control = sell-out crowds

Whether it is through technology, marketing tactics or consumer behaviours, Flicket helps organisations find, connect and grow with their fans through a seamless experience.

With specific solutions for every step of your journey, Flicket operates more than the turnstile — we’re in the business of sell out crowds.

Your show, your rules

Flicket doesn’t just sound flexible — it is. Every tool is easy to use and can be implemented into your current workflow and systems to suit your specific needs.

Your crowd, your data

We don’t share any of your data with competitors. Ever. This means you exclusively own it.

Your choice, your needs

Flicket isn’t just a service — it’s a partner. That’s why we are always implementing new recommendations and next-level customer service for you to understand your event and grow an even bigger crowd.

your tools

Before the event


Engage your fan base by using Flicket to build the hype around your event with presale and main sale competitions.


Gain a deeper understanding of your customers and their preferences using our CRM for targeted marketing campaigns and enhanced customer engagement.

Personalised emailing

Resonate with your audience through personalised email campaigns.

Automated marketing

Free up your time with automated marketing workflows.

Data integration

Streamline your data management with seamless integration into your familiar third-party CRM, email marketing and social media platforms.

During the event

Entry protocols

Tailor the entry experience to fit your specific event needs by customising ticket scanning, ID checks, and guest lists at every entry point.

Streamline scanning

Monitor entry and exit points while reducing wait times.

Enhanced security

Monitor your event through features like barcode scanning and photo verification and get real-time alerts to help prevent fraud and ensure your venue remains secure.

Real-time analytics

Track real-time attendance, sales and revenue at a glance, so you can make confident decisions at a moment’s notice.

After the event

Customised reports

Select only the data and metrics you want to generate reports that are easy to understand and specific to your needs.

Optimisation recommendations

We continuously monitor and review performance. In-depth metrics help us recommend and execute appropriate adjustments so our partners’ ticketing processes are fully optimised.

Crowd control — for everyone

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For CEOs & Owners

Our dynamic business model allows our partners to successfully minimise financial risk, increase revenue and improve cash flow positions while delivering a direct connection to their fanbase. Flicket’s intuitive insights are key in helping our partners feel confident making data-driven decisions.

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For Marketing Managers

Flicket behaves as an all-in-one platform for event marketing managers with a comprehensive suite of tools to create engaging fan experiences including direct messaging and social sharing. Our marketing automation and CRM features offer insights and reports about your audience with a referral program to help boost ticket sales and engagement.

<svg width=" 100%" height=" 100%" viewBox="0 0 31 30" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M28.0785 0H3.07849C2.41545 0 1.77957 0.263392 1.31072 0.732233C0.841883 1.20107 0.578491 1.83696 0.578491 2.5V27.5C0.578491 28.163 0.841883 28.7989 1.31072 29.2678C1.77957 29.7366 2.41545 30 3.07849 30H28.0785C28.7415 30 29.3774 29.7366 29.8463 29.2678C30.3151 28.7989 30.5785 28.163 30.5785 27.5V2.5C30.5785 1.83696 30.3151 1.20107 29.8463 0.732233C29.3774 0.263392 28.7415 0 28.0785 0ZM28.0785 27.5H3.07849V2.5H28.0785V27.5Z" fill="url(#gradient3)"/> <defs> <linearGradient id="gradient3" x1="15.5785" y1="-5.11443e-07" x2="32.7397" y2="36.2506" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <stop stop-color="currentColor"/> <stop offset="1" stop-color="white" stop-opacity="0"/> </linearGradient> </defs> </svg>
For Commercial Managers

Enhance VIP and sponsor experiences while generating new revenue streams. With new digital assets and pre-sale options, Flicket allows you to set booking fees and reduce costs while directing cash flow. Accessing powerful data through Flicket leads to proven results, unrivalled expertise, and robust customer support.

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For Ticketing Managers

Improve administrative efficiency and simplify complex ticket distribution. Flicket offers the ability to self-issue comps and send hundreds out at once for a speedy and user-friendly solution. Our capabilities are proven reliable with the stability to handle high traffic volumes for a seamless end-to-end fan experience.


As we work to revolutionise ticketing, we expect there to be questions; we’ve answered some of the most frequently asked ones here.

Revenue & fees
When do I get access to ticketing revenue?

Flicket enables partners to have direct access to ticketing funds, to ensure that as soon as a ticket is purchased the money ends via an integration via third party payment gateways. These include but are not limited to; Stripe, Pin Payments, Windcave, Laybuy and many others.

Does Flicket offer Buy-Now-Pay-Later Integrations?

Flicket is currently integrated with Buy-Now-Pay-Later companies, and works with partners to help bring on the right buy now pay later of choice.

What are Flicket’s booking fees and charges?

Flicket provides solutions for both small and large events. As a result, our pricing structure is tailored to meet the specific needs of each individual client. If you're interested in learning more about the investment required for your organisation, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Is Flicket’s ticket data safe?

Flicket takes the security and privacy of its customers' data very seriously and has implemented robust security measures to protect it. Flicket's cloud-based technology is hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS), a leading cloud service provider that adheres to stringent security standards, including ISO 27001, SOC 1, SOC 2, and SOC 3. Flicket also follows best practices for data encryption, access control, and threat management to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of its customers' ticket data. With these measures in place, customers can trust that their data is safe with Flicket.

Can Flicket hinder ticket fraud at large-scale events?

Yes, Flicket is a patented technology that protects large-scale events and customers from potential ticket abuse.

Are your payment providers PCI compliant?

Yes, Flicket's payment providers are PCI compliant. We take data security very seriously and work with reputable payment providers that meet the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) to ensure the protection of our customers' payment information. 

Can Flicket’s secure digital tickets make live events safer?

Providing event organisers with details about every attendee at their venue can help make live events safer through Flicket's digital tickets.

How is ticket holder data collected?

Ticket holder data is collected through the Flicket platform, which captures and stores information entered by the ticket buyer during the purchasing process. This can include personal details such as name, email address, and phone number, as well as any additional information required by the event organiser.

Why is ticket holder data collected?

The purpose of collecting ticket holder data is to:

  1. Enhance the safety of live events
  2. Identify customers for event organisers
  3. Prevent ticket fraud
  4. Provide fans with a better live experience
  5. Provide event organisers with the ability to grow their addressable audiences and make better business decisions.
Will Flicket share my data with competing events?

No, unlike most ticketing companies the data is owned exclusively by you and not shared.

Fan experience
How do my fans buy a ticket?

Flicket will build you a white labelled solution that enables you to sell tickets via your own channels.

How do fans enter an event?

Flicket has a user-friendly ticket scanning application - Android or iOS - can integrate with a variety of turnstiles companies.

Does your solution have physical tickets as well digital tickets?

Yes, we also offer a box-office solution, outlet, back-office, merchant. 

Do you have a secondary marketplace?

Flicket enables a centralised system so you can make margin on our verified reseller platform.

Does Flicket provide ticket protection?

Yes, Flicket enables customers to purchase ticket protection incase they can’t make the event - refunding full ticket amount giving full confidence.

Can your system integrate with 3rd parties?

Yes, Flicket can integrate with a wide range of third-party systems including payment gateways, marketing automation tools, and more. Flicket's API and integrations make it easy for event organisers to seamlessly connect their existing systems and workflows with Flicket's digital ticketing platform.

Trusted partners